

所在地区: 上海-浦东- 发布日期: 2024年7月23日
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1. 招标条件


2. 项目概况与招标范围

2.1 工程项目概况:(略)

2.2 本次招标范围:(略)


3. 投标人资格要求

3.1 具有独立法人资格,注册资本不低于(略)万元人民币,并具有4年以上本行业从业经验(投标文件中须提供投标人的营业执照,以营业执照上注明的成立时间为准)。


3.3 近三年((略)年、(略)年和(略)年)平均年营业收入不少于(略)万元人民币或等值外币(须提供投标人最近3年((略)年,(略)年和(略)年)的经会计师事务所或审计机构审计的财务会计报表,包括资产负债表、损益表、现金流量表、所有者权益变动表和财务报表附注的复印件)。


(1) 近3年内,投标人曾经受到过政府部门或其他组织结构就有关社会、劳动、使用童工,强迫劳工,骚扰与体罚,歧视,阻扰员工的法定结社权,不合法报酬、道德、健康、安全及环境违规行为进行警告、处罚或批评的,或者发生过大规模罢工或严重的劳务纠纷、严重的火灾或安全事故、严重的工伤事故,或者严重的环境事故包括化学泄露,废物处理等问题;

(2) 在过去5年内,投标人或其高级职员、总监、雇员、代理人、承包人或代表有向任何级别政府或国家机构、国有企业或国际组织的任何高级职员或工作人员、或者有官方授权或代表以上机构行事的人,又或者政治机构的候选人、政党或政党官员直接或间接地提供、承诺支付或授权支付任何钱财、礼物或其他有价形式以期影响任何行为、决定或获取商业优势使自己或任何其他人获得商业交易的行为。

(3) 近5年内无“重大事故”或“不诚信企业”记录;


3.5 基于投标人最近一年((略)年)的经会计师事务所或审计机构审计的财务会计报表,其下列任一财务指标都不得出现“不可接受”的评定结果。












(流动资产合计-存货)/ 流动负债合计










3.6 投标人应按照第六章其他资料中格式,提交财务承诺书并承诺:(略)

(1) 投标人及其关联方没有民间借贷行为(涉嫌非法集资犯罪的民间借贷纠纷,目标公司或个人股东向出借人(未依法取得放贷资格的人或公司)借款,双方约定的利率远高于国家规定的市场贷款利率);

(2) 投标人没有大于(略)%的股权冻结;

(3) 投标人没有大于(略)%的资产冻结或拍卖,且在清算流程中;

(4) 投标人及其股东和法定代表人未被纳入失信被执行人名单或限制高消费名单;

(5) 投标人提供的所有财务数据和报表均为真实的,无任何数据虚假及欺骗行为;

(6) 投标人若违反本投标财务承诺,愿承担相应的法律责任。若投标人已被推荐为中标候选人或者确定为中标人的,将视为存在影响中标结果的违法行为,自动放弃中标。招标人也有权利取消投标人中标资格。


4. 招标文件的获取

4.1 凡有意参加投标者,请在以下时间内购买招标文件:(略)


4.1.2 招标文件发售地点:(略)

4.1.3 招标文件购买方式:(略)


(1) 购标人携带:(略)

(2) 购标人提供开票信息(公司名称、税号、地址电话、开户行及账号)并现场填写《购标书登记表》;

(3) 购标人现场现金缴纳标书款,领取招标文件等资料。

4.2 招标文件每套售价(略)元,售后不退。

5. 投标文件的递交

5.1 投标文件递交的截止时间(投标截止时间,下同)为(略)年8月(略)日(略)时(略)分,地点为上海市长寿路(略)号(略)楼第一会议室。

5.2 逾期送达的、未送达指定地点的或者不按照招标文件要求密封的投标文件,招标人将予以拒收。

6. 发布公告的媒介


7. 联系方式

招 标 人:(略)


联 系 人:(略)

电 话:(略)



联 系 人:(略)


传 真:(略)



开 户 名:(略)

开 户 行:(略)

帐 号:(略)


Project Triangle of Shanghai International Theme Park Associated Facilities Co., Ltd.Show Planting Soil Supply

Tender Notice

(Tender No:(略)

1. Tender Condition

The tenderee for this project, Project Triangle of Shanghai International Theme Park Associated Facilities Co., Ltd., is Shanghai International Theme Park Associated Facilities Co., Ltd. The funding for the tendering project comes from the company's own funds. The project is now ready for tendering, and a public tender is being conducted for the supply of show elements.

2. General Description of the Project and Scope of Tender

2.1 General Description of the Project:(略)

2.2 Scope of this tender:(略)

Planting Soil Supply for Project Triangle of Shanghai International Theme Park Associated Facilities Company Limited includes but is not limited to the transportation and processing of raw soil, the mixing production of planting soil, the testing of planting soil samples, the inspection, acceptance and transportation of finished planting soil products to designated sites, etc.

3. Qualification Requirements for Tenderers

3.1 Independent legal personality with registered capital of not less than RMB (略) million and more than 4 years of experience in this industry (the tenderer's business license shall be provided in the bidding document, subject to the establishment time stated in the business license).

3.2 This project only accepts direct bidding from manufacturers. The manufacturer shall be a company specializing in the production of planting soil and has no less than 4 years of experience in manufacturing. (Documentary proof of performance is required).

3.3 Annual revenue in average of recent 3 years ((略), (略) and (略)) of not less than (略) million Yuan or equivalent amount of foreign currency (Tenderers shall submit with their bids photocopies of their financial accounting statements for the past 3 years ((略), (略) and (略)) audited by certified public accountants firm or auditors' office, inclusive of balance sheet, comprehensive income statement, cash flow statement, statement of change of equity, as well as financial notes)

3.4 Tenderer will be refused if they have any record of the following behavior:(略)

(1) In the past 3 years, tenderer has received any warning, punishment, notice of criticism from government or other organizations for social, labor, use of child labor, involuntary labor, coercion and harassment, discrimination, restriction of workers’ legal rights to association, illegal compensation, ethical, health, safety and environment violations, or encountered workers’ strike or serious labor dispute, encountered serious fire/safety accident, encountered serious work place injury, encountered serious environmental accidents, (e.g. chemical leakage, waste disposal issue) will be disqualified;

(2) In the past 5 years, tenderer or any of its officers, directors, employees, agents, contractors, delegates or representatives have been found guilty, offering, or promising to pay, or authorizing the payment in each case directly or indirectly, of any money, gift, or anything else of value to any officer or employee of a government at any level or any state agency, state-owned agency or enterprise, or public international organization, or any person acting in an official capacity for or on behalf of any of them, or a candidate for political office, or a political party or party official, for the purpose of influencing any act or decision, either for any business advantage, to obtain or retain business, or to direct business to any person will be disqualified.

(3) No “Major Accident” record and Dishonest Enterprise record in recent 5 years;

Above declaration in the form of Punishment, Bribery History and Integrity Declaration in Chapter VI Other Information.

3.5 Tenderers shall not have “not acceptable” on any of the following financial ratios for the most recent financial year ((略)).

Type of credit capability

Financial Ratios for the most recent year



Not acceptable

The level of debt for operation

Debt Asset Ratio

(total liabilities / total assets)*(略)%


Short-term Liquidity

Quick Ratio

(current assets-inventory) / current liabilities




(earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortization) / Revenue *(略)%



Net Profit Margin

(net income/revenue)*(略)%


3.6 Tenderers shall submit Financial Affidavit in the form in Chapter VI Other Information and make the commitment that:(略)

(1) Tenderer and its related parties have no private lending activities (private lending disputes involving illegal fund-raising crimes, or the target company or individual shareholders borrow money from the lender (any individual or company that has not obtained the qualification to lend money according to law), or the interest rate agreed by the two parties is much higher than the market rate set by the government for loans);

(2) Tenderer has no more than (略)% of the equities are frozen;

(3) Tenderer has no more than (略)% of the assets are frozen or put out to auction and liquidation;

(4) Tenderer, the shareholders and the legal representative are not listed as Dishonest Persons Subject to Enforcement or not issued with High-level Consumption Restrictions by the court;

(5) All financial data and statements provided by tenderer are true, without any false data and fraud;

(6) If tenderer violates this bidding affidavit, tenderer is willing to bear the corresponding legal responsibility. If tenderer has been recommended as a candidate for winning the bid or determined to be the successful tenderer, it will be deemed as an illegal act affecting the bidding result, and the successful bid will be automatically abandoned. The tenderee also has the right to disqualify tenderer from winning the bid.

3.7 Consortium or Joint Venture tenderers is not acceptable.

4. Access to Tender Documents

4.1 Those who intend to participate in the bidding are requested to purchase the tender documents within the following time frame:(略)

4.1.1 Sale period for tender documents:(略)

4.1.2 Location for the sale of tender documents:(略)

4.1.3 Method of purchasing tender documents:(略)

On-site purchase:(略)

(1) The purchaser should bring the following documents to the tender agent's office to obtain a Confidentiality Undertaking. After the Confidentiality Undertaking is stamped and the original is submitted, the purchaser will receive the tender documents

- the original chopped Confidentiality Undertaking, the original letter of authorization of the legal representative (head of the organization)

- the original and copy of the identity certificate of the authorized agent

- copy of the business license (stamped with the official seal).

If the purchaser fails to bring all the above documents, the tender agent will refuse to purchase the tender documents;

(2) The purchaser should provide invoicing information (company name, tax number, address and phone number, bank name, and account number) and fill out the "Tender Document Purchase Registration Form" on-site;

(3) The purchaser should pay for the tender documents in cash on-site and collect the tender documents and other related materials.

4.2 Each set of tender documents is priced at (略) RMB, and sales are final with no returns.

5. Submission of Bidding Documents

5.1 The deadline for submitting bidding documents (the bidding deadline, hereinafter the same) is (略):(略)

5.2 Bidding documents that are submitted late, not delivered to the designated location, or not sealed in accordance with the requirements of the tender documents will be rejected by the tenderee.

6. Medium of Publication of Notices

This tender announcement is simultaneously published on the China Tendering and Bidding Public Service Platform (www.cebpubservice.com).

7. Contact Details


Detailed address:(略)



Tender agent:(略)






Account information of the Tender Agent is as follows:(略)

Account name:(略)

Opening bank:(略)

Account No.:(略)

July (略), (略)


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